
注意 / Caution





◆ 特別警報?警報の発令状況
  → 気象庁ホームページ(東京都の警報?注意報)
◆ 各鉄道の運行状況
  → JR東日本ホームページ (関東エリア) 
    京王線ホームページ (運行状況) 

※ 休講の場合は大学ホームページ:気象警報による休講等に通知を掲載しますが、状況によっては掲載が遅れる場合等があります。このため、大学HPに休講通知の掲載がない場合も必ずご自身で気象庁HP及び鉄道会社HPの情報を確認するようにしてください。
※ 学外における調査や実習等の実施については、担当教員に確認してください。


Tomorrow, September 8th (Fri.), there is a possibility of heavy rainfall as typhoon No. 13 is approaches and lands in the Kanto region. Please be careful when commuting to schoo.
In the case of bad weather (when a natural disaster may be expected), please make sure to read the information on the Japan Meteorological Agency website and railway company websites, and check if the weather condition meets the lecture cancellation criteria, by yourself, before coming to university.

Please check the university website below for information on the "Lecture cancellation criteria".
  Lecture cancellation criteria
 → the university website “[Important] Cancellation of Lectures, etc. Due to Natural Disasters”

 ?Status of emergency warnings/warnings issuance
  → Japan Meteorological Agency website (Tokyo: Warnings and Advisories) 
    Fuchu City: Warnings and Advisories
    Koganei City: Warnings and Advisories
? Operation status of trains
  → JR EAST website (Kanto Area)  
    Keio Line website (Train Status Information) 

* When classes are cancelled, a notice will be posted on the university website (“Lecture Cancellation by disaster”), but there may be a delay in the posting of the notice depending on the situation. Therefore, please be sure to check the Japan Meteorological Agency website and the railroad company's website even if there is no notice of class cancellation on the university website.

* Please check with the faculty member in charge of the activities for whether off-campus research/practical training, etc. will be carried out or not.For lectures and other courses offered at other universities, please follow the policies of the respective universities (Please check with the faculty member in charge of the lecture for details).
